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Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrie | ENSCI les ateliers
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrie | ENSCI les ateliers
ENSCI-Les Ateliers became the first school entirely devoted to design in France, it has been ranked first among French “Art and Design” training institutions in the annual QS World University Rankings. Today, it is ranked 22nd among the 800 best schools and universities in the world. Two diplomas are offered in initial training: Textile designer and Industrial Designer, each at Master level. In the field of Continuing Education, ENSCI delivers two Specialized Masters, accredited by the “Conference des Grandes Écoles”, as well as a post-graduate degree and a new Master of Science in Biomimicry.
Instagram: @ensci_les_ateliers_paris
Facebook: ENSCILesAteliers
Twitter: ensci_paris